This is the outfit I wore for most of the wedding reception! I am seriously in love with this dress and would wear it every day if I could. Thank you, Mom! <3
Read on for more!
I went to my first San Diego meetup two weeks ago, one of the weekly meets that the local group does. It was a lot of fun, and I made some friends down here!
I'm feeling too lazy right now to link everything in the outfit to Poupee right now, so I'm just going to list everything. Maybe I'll fix it later and edit this out.
Jumperskirt, headbow: BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT
Socks: Jane Marple
Shoes: Bodyline
Jewelry: catnapcaps
Jumperskirt, socks, parasol: BABY THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT
Boots, roses (hair): Bodyline
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Jewelry: vintage
And finally, today's outfit for the weekly meetup. Please excuse my derpy face--it's been a long day!
Jumperskirt, hairbow: handmade by me
Shoes, bolero: Bodyline
You look beautiful on all outfits! Dance of the Black Cats suits you so well, you look like a model! *w*
Lovely ! The second JSK is perfect!!